
Product Catalog

  • UPC: 755567005677
  • SKU: 08101667
  • Model Number: 30009
13 line wires, 50 inches high, 4 gauge, horizontal spacing: 1st three rows are 2 inches, next 2 are 3 inches, next 2 are 4 inches, remaining 5 are 6 inches with 8 inch vertical spacing.

  • UPC: 010515112068
  • SKU: 08100882
A strong, UV stabilized, diamond mesh fencing that was designed to reduce sag. Diamex is used where wind fatigue and strength is an issue for traditional safety fences.

  • UPC: 000000000000
  • SKU: 08101084
  • Model Number: 1014546
Guardian warning barrier fence (economy) has a thick oval mesh, which makes it highly visible and easy-to-install and remove. Makes a great temporary barricade or warning fence. Perfect for sporting events. UV stabilized - long-lasting. Orange. Mesh size: 1.5 inch x 3 inch.

  • UPC: 010515419594
  • SKU: 08101081
  • Model Number: 1014546
A great mesh which is often used as a barrier - for bird control in eaves, over ornamental ponds, for fruit and vegetable cages, and in its most popular use, attached to balcony and deck railings for additional safety. Multi-Purpose Net is equivalent in price and exceeds quality, when compared to its metal counterpart.

  • UPC: 010515998044
  • SKU: 08107039
This orange safety fence can be used for making a temporary barricade. Also used to warn of danger.

  • UPC: 010515209003
  • SKU: 08101071
  • Model Number: 1014546
An ideal barrier for sediment control around construction sites or wherever there is bare or disturbed earth. The woven geotextile used on silt fence is designed to filter out sediment from construction site run-off, yet allows clean water to pass through. The use of silt fence helps to ensure a free-draining, environmentally safe site. Silt fence is preassembled with wood stakes securely attached at regular intervals.

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